Collecting AC Points

What are AC Points?

  • AC Points are awarded with purchases from ActionCity Online, ActionCity mobile app, ActionCity retail stores.
  • 1 AC Point is awarded for every $1 spent.
  • AC Points can be used for discounts on pre-order on the ActionCity mobile app

From ActionCity mobile app purchases

Points awarded from ActionCity mobile app purchases will be automatically credited to your membership account.


From ActionCity online store purchases (New from 26 May 2021)

Points awarded from ActionCity Online Store purchases will be credited to your membership account within 5 working days.

AC Points will only be awarded for purchases made on the ActionCity Online Store ONLY after creation of an "ActionCity Mobile App Account".

Please ensure that the email address you use during check-out is the same email address that you used while creating an account in the ActionCity mobile app.

From ActionCity retail store purchases

Flash your profile screen on the ActionCity mobile app when making a purchase at any ActionCity retail store.

Points awarded will be credited to your membership account within 5 working days.